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Кожну другу середу SEUTF проводитиме вебінари щодо підключення до стійкості, намагаючись підтримати всіх, хто бажає постійного доступу до матеріалів, підібраних спеціально для підтримки психічного здоров’я та зцілення.


Щоб приєднатися до наших зустрічей з питань стійкості, натисніть кнопку «Приєднатися» нижче та заповніть відповідну форму. Посилання на вебінар буде надіслано вам електронною поштою. Чекаємо на зустріч!  

Using Games to Support Regulation in Children with Lilian Troost - 2023.12.20

Using Games to Support Regulation in Children with Lilian Troost - 2023.12.20

This webinar was created in collaboration with SE International and EASE. Lilian was born in the Netherlands, where she trained as a social worker for children and young people and worked for many years in the field of disability. One day she went to Ausserfernen in Tyrol with a group of people with cognitive impairments and then she knew: she wanted to live there in the mountains, it was like going home. But something else came up: an accident with whiplash. Thanks to medical treatment and alternative treatment, she got back on her feet, but she still noticed that you see more than you think and you feel a lot more. During this time she got to know people from the Brennan Healing Science School and knew that she wanted to do this training too. In the meantime, when she arrived in Austria, she completed the 4-year training at the Barbara Ann Brannon School in addition to her work in life support . She kept coming across Peter Levine's work, Somatic Experiencing. The question: How do people work, how can someone be happier, how can someone develop their potential, fascinated her so much that she stuck with it. Giving good supervision is an essential part of her work - now as a trainer - to support students well in their careers, and overall to accompany and supervise people who work with people, especially in the social area. Another discovery led her to craniosacral touch, which can be wonderfully combined with what she has learned so far. Furthermore, she doesn't stop learning and developing herself, for example in the area of ​​Marianne Bentzen Group Dynamics.

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